During the Book World literature festival, Bubny Station traditionally hosts presentations of selected books associated with stories associated with our place of memory.
This year, we presented several books that shared the theme of the (non-)lives experienced by Prague citizens after their deportation from the city.
The four titles were: Radek Gális’s Uvězněné duše, Jana Mirovská’s Jmenuji se Eva…, Richard Pachman’s Tylda, and Frank Frištenský’s Moje máma z Terezína.
During these days, the doors of the train station building – a crossroads of fate during the 20th century – are wide open to the second and third generations of families affected by the Shoah. The Memorial of Silence is always trying to include into our collective remembering anyone who finds it important to actively commemorate their parents’ and grandparents’ memories.
This year, we commemorated the past through music and by presenting several new books and meeting with the descendants of people who transformed their memories into writing. The musical ensemble Vibrafonissimo (Radek Krampl, Ladislav Horák, and Vít Švec) came up with a loose interpretation of the melodies that Prague’s citizens might have heard as they left via Bubny station during the Protectorate.