The special guest of the evening was mezzo-soprano Dagmar Pecková, who performed a repertoire of Biblical Songs by Antonín Dvořák.
The Biblical songs were chosen by Dagmar Pecková herself for the commemorative concert.
“It is our duty to constantly recall the fate of people who, simply because of their origins, became victims of the so-called Final Solution. This collective guilt is inexcusable and eternal. We must never forget the victims of Nazism, but also the post-war expulsion of Germans – a bloody revenge on people often as innocent as the war victims. Similarly, we must prevent the spread of any form of nationalism today. We are finally living in a free country and we must do everything we can to keep it that way.
Let the Biblical Songs of Antonín Dvořák be heard today. A humble plea and call to God. One of the most fascinating gifts of Dvořák’s artistic inspiration. Because only God and our faith in him give us hope for things to come.” says Dagmar Pecková about her choice of the repertoire. She was accompanied at the concert by pianist Karel Vrtiška.
“Memorial of Silence would like to thank all visitors for the support they have shown with their generous attendance to this particular summer commemoration of the grave events that took place long ago. Here, the team of authors drew parallels with and pointed out important features of recent and contemporary events.
It is great that this experiment in communication underlining parallels with historical events was so well attended.
The small courtyard of the Trade Fair Palace was too small for this summer’s concert.” Pavel Štingl on behalf of Memorial of Silence
Those interested in watching selections from the public discussions of the Bubny Station Broadcast which we offered at the beginning of the commemorative concert can access both of the abridged recordings here:

The commemorative meeting is held under the auspices of the Minister of Culture Martin Baxa.